Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Stages of living the life.

Stages of living the life.

Hello everyone,  Hope you all are doing well. this is my second blog and in this i am going to tell about the different stages of living the human life.

life tends to unfold in stages. Our life doesn't remain same all the time.Sometime we have to face many different problems and sometimes we can have a lot of happiness. Controlling our life is not in our hands but  how to living our life is on our hands.  
          There are many stages of living the life.Some of them are listed below: 

 Stage 1:  Sadness
           Your heart is signaling something is off', not necessarily wrong; it is simply showing that you are undergoing an experience/lesson which is absence of that river of joy, absence of that authentic living.

 Stage 2:  Anxiety
              If anxiety has come to stay and weaved a nest in your chest/stomach, it means you are decidedly off track from your soul path. Anxiety is like having and internal compass that senses when you are on/off of your true path.

 Stage 3: Depression
            Coupled with sadness and anxiety ,when you have let the grief of human life to numb your heart until it is cold and unfeeling; that is all of life seems to lose it's color, because you have completely closed yourself off from the source of feelings - your heart.

Stage 4: Pure Joy
             Being deeply attuned  to your soul path; following your dreams ;acting on the river of joy within you by creating all the things you feel pull to do: painting, writing, photography, crafts, whatever your calling is.  

   So, these are some stages of living our life. As we know we  don't know  what will happen in our life in the future but we all are pretty sure that we can enjoy our life. 
  I hope you all will get a lot of new knowledge about the various stages of life from this blog. Hope u all will like this and appreciate my work and if so than please like and comment down.
                     Thank you.


Thursday, May 21, 2020

Self Care Checklist For 2020

Hey everyone ,
                        It's my first blog. In this blog i have mention top 20 self care checklist for 2020. As you all know that many people are facing the problem created by COVID-19, so at this time we must have to take care of  ourselves. But before knowing self care tips and tricks we must know why self care matters in our life.

  •    Why Self-Care Matters
It’s so important to make sure you take good care of your body, mind, and soul every day, not just when you get sick. Learning how to eat right,reduce stress, exercise daily, and take a time out when you need it are touchstones of self-care and can help you anti-stress, stay healthy, and be resilient.

Here, are some Self Care Checklist For 2020.
  1.  Take care of yourself by taking care of your gut.
  2.  Move for at least 30 minutes a day.
  3. Get some good sleep.
  4. Drink some water first in the morning.
  5. Exercise daily as a part of your self care routine.
  6. Confront your negativity on paper.
  7. Keep your work and home life separate.
  8.  Cook at home to care for yourself.
  9. Take care of yourself by getting organized. 
  10. Say no to others, and say yes to your self-care.
  11. Play with a pet.
  12. Try a guided meditation.
  13. Watch funny movies or TV shows.
  14. Take a bubble bath daily.
  15. Read a book.
  16. listen your favorite songs.
  17. Have a solo dance party.
  18. Unfolow negative people on social media or in your real life also.
  19. Drink a lots of water.
  20. Unplug from technology for an hour.

         " Self-care is like your oxygen mask". We must pay attention to do self-care. Here, are top 20  tips for self-care during these days and practice it daily and also add it in your daily routine to get better result. If  you like these easy  self-care Checklist of 2020  than please comment down and share.  
              Guys this is my first blog  so please show some love and support so that i can be motivated to make other types of blogs  for you guys.

                                                  Thank you.